Can you also make a proposal for renting the equipment?
Days are usually monday to friday.
Some times Monday starts between ten and noon (teams have to set up the computers and material). Almost all sessions end on Friday noon lunch time or latest 15:00.
Days are most of the time 9-17h. Is that local office working time?

Dates :
5 days sometime in the first 2 weeks of Nov (we may have another one but it is not confirmed yet)
City: Brasilia as of today
the 2nd training later will be in São Paulo
(Cities can be reversed, if it will open, in Brasilia)
similar setting  to the training of the local team (Elef and his team have already interpreted in Paris and Geneva on a single interpreter base).  
Trainer has an alarm clock set on 40 minutes and participants have numerous practical exercises to do with their phones, tablets, devices; a pace when including a smokers brake etc that makes the conditions close to a booth; but not always. This is why for Brasil they ask for an offer for two interpreters.
Opiton A :
One interpreter, headsets for ten to 14 participants
About 10 minute breaks every 40 minutes or so.

Option B:
two interpreters with a mobile device
number of participants: ten to 14.
Please feel free to forward to a colleague or
if you could give me a quote for both options>>

Please send an offer as for a subcontracting and tell me what the usual commission / end client would be.
I’ll also need a CV (also from the ones I have already worked with please).

Next step I’ll send your offer to the end client and they pay you directly

Any other information you need?


Interpreter Since 1989: French, German, English, Greek
Translations: Greek & Cambodian
Mobile: + 33 6 89 87 27 53
Traducteur & Interprète expert pour le GREC, assermenté TGI Paris.
mail : office @ elef . net
Address: 1, Sente Giraud,  93260 Les Lilas Paris - France
Member at : SFT, ATA & Ceticap  

ATHENES 28/09 - 02/10/2015 Greek mobile: +30 693 1497026


Israeli placental cell therapy goes to clinical trials in 2016 could cure radiation sickness by 2021.

Israeli biotech firm Pluristem Therapeutics said it hopes its anti-radiation therapy will protect Fukushima workers decommissioning nuclear reactors and save lives in the future if ever a similar catastrophe occurs.
The Haifa-based company said they have developed a placenta-based cell therapy injection that can fully cure patients with multiple organ failure caused by high radiation exposure.

"We are injecting these cells to the bodies' muscles...that will help the bone marrow to recover after radiation."
The effect of the treatment has been tested on different levels of radiation, including a level of radiation that could cause up to 70 percent mortality rate.
Clinical trials which have been conducted both in the United States, with the National Institute of Health and at Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem, have shown a nearly 100 percent recovery rate in animals exposed to radiation.

In January 2016 Pluristem's PLX-R18 therapy was cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical trials in animals.

Yaky Yanay, President and Chief Operations Officer at Pluristem Therapeutics and co-chairman of Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI), said clinical trials have so far shown optimal results if the vial is injected within 48 hours of exposure to lethal radiation.

"It will be very easy to use, off-the-shelf and readily available," Yanay said adding that it requires no DNA matches prior to administration into the muscle.
The only other available therapy is bone marrow transplant which requires DNA compatibility and is costly, he added.
In March 2011 the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl 25 years earlier, following an earthquake and tsunami.
The Tokyo Electric Power Co is still struggling to bring the situation inside its plant under control.
... United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases program.
The goal of U.S. authorities, Yanay said, is to stockpile the treatment in the U.S. in case of a nuclear catastrophe.

"Our goal is to develop...a counter measure biological defense....for Acute Radiation Syndrome for any radiation event across the globe. It can be either a terror attack or nuclear melting but I hope that our therapy will be there".

Pluristem's Chief Executive Zami Aberman said the uniqueness of the therapy treatment is in its ability to treat multiple organ failure and bring full recovery from the high radiation exposure.

"In radiation catastrophe the organ that are exposed to radiation are many, not only one of them. The fact that the cells have the capacity to treat multi organ failures give us the unique therapeutic potential".
The company said it received the rights to commercialize the placenta-based cell therapy products in 2007.

When the Fukushima disaster happened it inspired our feeling that we have to do it stronger and quicker and we developed an aggressive plan in order to bring the product into awareness and today with NIH (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) support and the cooperation of the Fukushima center, we strongly believe that we can bring the product to cure many patients," said Aberman.
The next phase is to develop treatments for disorders like Crohn's Disease and other products to treat the central nervous system.