Social network THE AMBASSADOR CLUB organises meetings and exchanges between citizens of the world. They cover various topics, mainly in the fields of science and education, economy, religion and society. The Ambassadors care for humanitarian values such as helpfulness, tolerance and human dignity, they create a valuable network of friends, both private and professional.

For over 40 years, MESSRING has applied strict standards of accuracy in crash tests of motor vehicles with products that make the invisible visible.

Leading by example

Uncompromising in quality and innovation, uncompromising in safety; MESSRING's products set the standards that crash test systems are measured by.

This drive for perfection is embodied in all we do, from initial concept and design through to manufacture and installation. Over 60 highly qualified experts – the majority of them engineers or technicians – deliver all you need for turnkey crash test facilities and data acquisition systems.

« Les Français sont aussi bons en langues que les autres » Nathalie Gormezano, directrice de l'ISIT

Grande école de « management et communication interculturels», l'ISIT a longtemps formé principalement des interprètes et des traducteurs avant de s'ouvrir à d'autres professions. Sa directrice générale, Nathalie Gormezano, analyse avec nous la place que doivent avoir aujourd'hui les langues dans l'enseignement et nous explique comment ses propres élèves sont formés.

Nathalie Gormezano

Olivier Rollot : On dit tout le temps que les Français sont nuls en langue. Est-ce vrai ?


Nathalie Gormezano : Mais pas du tout. Les Français sont aussi bons en langues que les autres. Nous recevons des jeunes qui ont un bon niveau, sans être exceptionnel, et en cinq ans, nous les amenons à s'exprimer dans deux autres langues que le français aussi bien qu'une personne née avec cette langue. L'apprentissage des langues, c'est comme la musique, c'est une passion, tout le monde peut y arriver en travaillant.

Politik (Arbeits-, Sozial-, Gesundheitspolitik) Das französische Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Gesundheit erarbeitet und implementiert die Regierungspolitik in den Bereichen Beschäftigung, sozialer Sicherheit, Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen, Berufskrankheiten, berufliche Bildung sowie Organisation des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens. Zu den Kompetenzen des Ministeriums gehören auch eine breite Palette von sozialen Themen, die Verwaltung der zugehörige Budgets des öffentlichen Dienstes und seines Reformausschusses sowie die Ausarbeitung und Umsetzung der Politik der Regierung im Bereich der sozialen Sicherheit.

NEXANS, the worldwide leader in the cable industry, offers cables and cabling solutions for infrastructure, industry, buildings and Local Area Networks (LAN). As the leader in mobile, fixed, IP and optics technologies, and a pioneer in applications, Alcatel-Lucent runs together with the Bell Labs a centre of research and innovation in the most advanced telecommunications sector. We offer the market a magnitude of ideas and unparalleled achievements to reveal and unfold the full potential of a connected world. Our clients come to us because they know we can help them prepare for their future.

ALCATEL, specialist in telecommunications and cables, is often assisted by specialists in translation and interpreting in its litigations, negotiations, testimonials, technical translations.

Definitions : Simultaneous interpretation:

The speech is interpreted simultaneously, i.e. almost at the same time, into the target language. Depending on the level of difficulty there are two to three interpreters in an interpreting booth (with acoustic isolation) with only one interpreting at any given time. For simultaneous interpreting great concentration is required on the part of the interpreter. Therefore the interpreters in the booth switch every 20 to 30 minutes.

Simultaneous interpreting in comparison with consecutive interpreting saves a lot of time and is more pleasant not only for the speakers but also for the listeners, because the natural flow of things is not interrupted. This interpreting mode is particularly appropriate for discussions.


Suitable for:(multilingual) conferences, congresses, seminars, business discussions, presentations

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