Simultaneous interpreting definition:

The speech is interpreted simultaneously, i.e. almost at the same time, into the target language. Depending on the level of difficulty there are two to three interpreters in an interpreting booth (with acoustic isolation) with only one interpreting at any given time. For simultaneous interpreting great concentration is required on the part of the interpreter. Therefore the interpreters in the booth switch every 20 to 30 minutes.

Simultaneous interpreting in comparison with consecutive interpreting saves a lot of time and is more pleasant not only for the speakers but also for the listeners, because the natural flow of things is not interrupted. This interpreting mode is particularly appropriate for discussions.

Suitable for: (multilingual) conferences, congresses, seminars, business discussions, presentations

Consecutive Interpreting definition

The interpreter writes down the speech using a special note taking technique. The passages will be either interpreted sentence by sentence or in sections. This depends on the situation.

During consecutive interpreting the interpreter stands or sits next to the speaker.

An interpreting booth is not required, but this interpreting mode is a lot more time-consuming and affects the dynamic of the situation.

Suitable for: business meetings, bilateral talks, presentations

Escort Interpreting definition :

The interpreter works with a portable whisper set and interprets simultaneously into the target language. The interpreter speaks into a wireless microphone and the participants listen to the interpreter over their headphone receivers.

Suitable for: Factory visits and tours, Museum tours, training of technicians and engineers working in industrial production sites.


Other interpretation definitions at:

NEXANS, the worldwide leader in the cable industry, offers cables and cabling solutions for infrastructure, industry, buildings and Local Area Networks (LAN). As the leader in mobile, fixed, IP and optics technologies, and a pioneer in applications, Alcatel-Lucent runs together with the Bell Labs a centre of research and innovation in the most advanced telecommunications sector. We offer the market a magnitude of ideas and unparalleled achievements to reveal and unfold the full potential of a connected world. Our clients come to us because they know we can help them prepare for their future.

ALCATEL, specialist in telecommunications and cables, is often assisted by specialists in translation and interpreting in its litigations, negotiations, testimonials, technical translations.


Avoid the seven Speaking Mistakes many Professionals Make

Speakers spend plenty of time thinking about what they say in business, but not necessarily how they say it.
Think twice about your tone, pitch and volume especially when you have a message to deliver and your goal is to influence the audience or have an impact on their perception.

Be aver that interpreters can only deliver what you express! When multiple languages are involved, it is probable that interpreters use relai. Relai means when the German speaker speaks it is translated into English, French or the national language & then into the other languages like Italian or Greek. The more languages are interpreted, the more relai is used. Imagine The Greek speaker translated into German and then the German into French. The clearer the message and the lower the interferences of "message noise" the best the output.

Every sound and bit has an important, and dramatical affects how our audience, bosses, clients, prospects and colleagues perceive you.

Do the following only if you consciously want to do so. Stay aware others perceive both messages: music and content.

1. Stuttered or repeated words and fillers.
2. Speaking too quickly.
3. Speaking too quietly
4. Gravelly voice or vocal fry
5. Trailing off at the end of phrases.
6. Uptalk, or phrasing statements as questions.
7. Speaking in a monotone voice.

That doesn't mean going over the top with high and low pitches, but rather allowing for some degree of variation in the tone and color of your phrasing. And the easiest way to achieve that effect is to breathe and relax. If you can speak like an actor, it's because you are a relatively laid back person.
