“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

It is estimated that over one billion people worldwide are learning a foreign language, with millions doing so using computer programs. With Duolingo, people learn a foreign language while simultaneously translating text.

When you learn on Duolingo, the website gives you exercises tailored specifically to you that teach you every aspect of the new language. You may be asked to translate a sentence, to pronounce or listen to a phrase, or to describe what you see in an image.

Some of the sentences you translate come from real websites. By having multiple students translate each sentence, and then choosing the best one...

Konferenzdolmetscher übertragen gesprochene Texte mündlich in andere Sprachen, entweder simultan oder konsekutiv (zeitlich versetzt). Mit ihrer Unterstützung können zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort Menschen verschiedener Sprachen und Kulturen miteinander kommunizieren.

Here's the good news for those who remember struggling through dictation in French class: French spelling has been simplified. Here's the bad news: Few have noticed, and those who have don't like it.


Even the Academie Francaise itself has chosen to include only some of the new spellings at the end of its dictionary explaining that it would like to wait it out and see which spellings are adopted in general usage before giving its official ...

Interprète a votre service est une équipe d'interprètes professionnels et diplômés forts d'une expérience avérée dans divers secteurs, résidents à   Paris, en France en Europe au Monde.

L'équipe de mes collègues se caractérise par une excellente formation linguistique acquise au fil des années à laquelle vient s'appuyer la quête continuelle d'un savoir faire technique essentiel pour la compréhension des sujets abordés. Nous assurons une fiabilité maximale, la confidentialité des sujets.  Le secret professionnel est un must (Art.226-13 du CP) et l'enthousiasme de ceux qui travaillent quotidiennement dans un milieu aussi stimulant et enrichissant que la politique, les affaires, les médias, bref celui de la médiation linguistique et culturelle.

Transport is much more than just a question of mobility: it is a factor of competitiveness and freedom. Without transport, there is no awareness, notrade, no movement of goods or people, no Single Market and even less the European Union or freedom of thought. From the very beginning the European project has endeavoured to create a "European area of transport" and free mobility. At present the revival of the European economy is not only dependent on a revised, but needs a renewed "European transport policy". Although the European Commission has announced the financing of over 250 projects for 2016- 2020 for a total of 13.1 billion €, as part of the European Interconnection Mechanism (EIM) we might question the choice of investments in terms of environmentally friendly, competitive modes of transport. And as in the past, some projects are planned and for whatever reasons not realized or finished decades later.

From our long-standing experience in the commercial, congress and exhibition fields, we have found that, whilst English remains the obvious language of choice, it is essential to speak good French when making initial contact with target French-speaking customers.

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