France Télévisions is the number one French broadcasting group. As a public broadcasting institution, the group has a leading role regarding the social and cultural life, which superimposes a constant ambition on its program offerings.

Following the law of 5 March 2009, France Télévisions has seen the transformation of its status into a joint venture between all channels of the group. Today, the holding France Télévisions SA, is a group of diverse and complementary activities in the media.

To provide assistance during interviews, direct and recorded shows, unions, negotiations and contracts, FRANCE TELEVISION, the French public broadcasting service, often relies on translators and interpreters.


Interpreters work up to two 3.5 hour shifts a day. For this they prepare by reading relevant documents in their working languages and checking for changes and new terms. They also regularly read the press in different languages to keep up to date of the latest developments to help them handle the huge range of topics covered by the Parliament and other institutions.

USA WOODS mission is to consistently rise the export of processed lumber, especially quality hardwoods and related machinery at competitive prices.

Comment protéger son couple face aux dangers de l'expatriation ?

Exerçant depuis deux ans la psychothérapie (individuelle, de couple et familiale) auprès de la communauté française de Shanghai, j'ai acquis une vision assez nette des souffrances que peut causer l'expatriation. Et je dois dire qu'à force de recevoir des couples en situation de crise aigüe, j'estime utile de faire part de mon expérience aux candidats au départ, dans une visée préventive. Car même si Shanghai, pour des raisons tant économiques que culturelles, figure probablement en bonne place dans le « top ten » des mégapoles dangereuses pour le couple expatrié, je pense que mon propos correspond à beaucoup d'autres destinations dans le monde...

Le premier danger m'apparaît être celui d'une désagrégation progressive du lien de couple, liée à l'éloignement croissant, sur bien plusieurs plans, des deux partenaires.


Pour commencer, il arrive que du jour au lendemain, les époux soient amenés à expérimenter des séparations longues et/ou très fréquentes. Ainsi, Monsieur rejoint parfois le pays d'expatriation bien avant sa famille

Third largest aluminium producer in the world behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal with its operational headquarters in Pittsburgh, United States, is present in 43 countries. In 2006, ALCOA employed 127.000 people. ALCOA traditionally kicks off the reporting of the quarterly results of several companies listed in the Dow Jones Index.

ROCHE's mission is to identify, in accordance with the research and development strategy of the group, teams of excellence in academic research and build partnerships with these top scientists in fields of mutual interest. It has the ambition to bring together academic partners and the ROCHE group in France in scientific programs in the following key areas: Oncology, neuroscience, metabolism, immunology, virology and toxicology. 

To optimise its operations, ROCHE, specialist in the field of pharmaceuticals, frequently relies on the service of translators and interpreters at coachings, medical and technical documentations, patent litigations, clinical studies, managing teams of visiting medical staff and audits.

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