Youth Hostel Athens, first named Greek Youth Hostel (GYH) and founded by Dimitrios Vakalis in 1957.

Dimitrios Vakalis, was speaking seven language and teaching many of them. He also founded the Greek Youth Hostel Association and brought to Greece four decades of experience.GYH old logo


Update 2020 / 2021 : 

The Linguali team is now with iterprefy. Rsi Remote Simmultaneous interpretation plateform, service provider for events & iterpreters. One of the few plateformes tested and accepted from EU institutions February 2019. The other Rsi meeting event providers are VoiceBoxer, Interactio, Kudo and historical Webex. 

Major differences and more and more resemblances appear. The Zoom application does as of February 2021 still not allow interpreters to hear the floor and colleague without a 2nd device. 

Other familiar plateforms are InterpretCloud, QuaQua Meeting, Speakus, Ablio, Akkadu, Cymo, Olysei, Prolingo. 

... initial post: 

Over the last several years, the state of the interpreting market has deteriorated. There is an ongoing and constant pressure to reduce costs, and this has meant that interpreters are increasingly working in subpar conditions. They are using cabins and traditional equipment less and less, often having to resort to using bidule, or tour guide systems, which make working conditions more difficult.
James Anderson, the co-founder and President of Linguali, has been a conference interpreter for the past twenty years, and since 2008 he has been trying to find a solution to improve these conditions.

What works best? 

individual Cars end of story?

If Corralling a crowd of adults into a single vehicle glamourous, comfortable, or easy, then we are in a new era. A Copenhagen-based company has brewed up a petrol-free car option that looks practical, based on an application and can cramp your life style saving money, renewable energies and adding socializing to life. The company is called, Spiri, and hopes to combine on-demand ride-sharing with eco-friendly carpooling for a hipper, Uber-like alternative that could spell doom for unflattering minivans. Who knows? Capital distribution can reinforce our way of travelling.
Spiri has higher-ups who include former engineers and execs from the likes of Aston Martin and Tesla. Translation should be solved. Especially after the autumn 2016 chinese accident of self driven Tesla; no auto pilot yet but by 2017 or 2019 thousands of vehicles and millions of hours, including VW will reinforce security.
Spiri car is all-electric vehicle that's a modest about 800 Kgr, has a carbon fibre body, an impressive 380 Killometers range

Attention when not having an interpreter in any country you can end in prison!October 2016:

Chinese tourist was prisoned by mistake! He was considered for a refugee during 12 days in Germany.

After being robbed in the tourist town of Heidelberg, the man went (misleader by smartphone translation ?) to the city hall, which he thought was a police station, where he signed an asylum application...
Then he was then taken 360km to a refugee shelter in Duelmen and given food and spending money like other refugees.

All this chinese tourist tried to do was report a stolen wallet during a visit to Germany and ended unwittingly signed an asylum application that got him stranded as a refugee for two weeks.

Στα ζητήματα μετανάστευσης και την προστασία των εξωτερικών συνόρων θα εστιάσουν οι 27 ηγέτες κατά την άτυπη Σύνοδο Κορυφής της Παρασκευής στην Μπρατισλάβα. Χωρίς τη συμμετοχή της Βρετανίας αυτή την φορά.

Όπως ανέφερε ανώτερος αξιωματούχος της ΕΕ, στην ενημέρωση του Τύπο στις Βρυξέλλες, βασικός στόχος της συνάντησης είναι να τεθεί επί τάπητος το μέλλον της ΕΕ των 27 -πλέον- μελών.
«Το ζητούμενο είναι να επιστρέψει η σταθερότητα και η ελπίδα και να ανακτηθεί η εμπιστοσύνη. Όχι μόνο μεταξύ των θεσμών και των κυβερνήσεων αλλά και η εμπιστοσύνη των πολιτών απέναντι στην ΕΕ» τονίζοντας ο ίδιος αξιωματούχος, ότι είναι ευκαιρία να δείξουν οι ηγέτες ότι «έλαβαν το μήνυμα» για όσα «φοβούνται» οι Ευρωπαίοι πολίτες.
Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, η προτεραιότητα είναι να αντιμετωπιστούν οι διάφοροι φόβοι που σχετίζονται με τη μετανάστευση, την ασφάλεια των συνόρων και κυρίως η οικονομική και κοινωνική ανασφάλεια.

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